YOU are a psychiatrist, trying to solve a murder whilst treating the unusual patients of the recently deceased Doctor Dekker. Type a question - patients reply in full screen video and have questions for you too but be careful what you say. Your words determine their eventual fates, and your own!


a Lovecraftian murder mystery FMV game

1600+ full screen HD videos
Six suspects and five side-quest patients
Random murder and multiple endings

  • FREE TEXT INPUT - Ask whatever you want, type questions, phrases or just keywords.
  • SUGGESTED QUESTIONS - No keyboard? No problem. Pick from our suggested list.
  • SIMPLE UI - View evidence, make notes, watch replays, see your question history
Finding out who killed Dr Dekker is only one part of the puzzle; working out how to fix the chaos he left behind will be so much trickier… As well as providing clues to the murder, each patient has their own bizarre problem they need your help with – from time manipulation and re-animated loved ones to horrors under the sea. 

Complete with an atmospheric soundtrack, The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker invites you to explore the shadow reality that your patients inhabit – a world full of paranormal strangeness and horrors that go bump in your head, where all you have to rely on is your own mind. 

Just try not to lose it...

The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker has earned the Guinness World Record for Most Full Motion Video in a Videogame at 7 hours, 11 minutes and 58 seconds.

"...a masterclass in acting..."
- Kelsey Erwin, The Overpowered Noobs

Carolyn English as Lacey
Catherine Stacey as Scarlett
John Shields as Glyn
Rachel Cowles as Molly
Rosie Hefferon as Jasmine

Tim Cowles

Lynda Cowles
Tim Cowles

"These people are insane. I think they all did it."
- Adam Abou-Nasr, Nintendo World Report

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